Friday, September 28, 2012

Useful Things to Do With Guinea Pigs

As most of you know, Dean and I recently became proud parents. a pair of baby guinea pigs, at least. 

We named them Pacha Kutiq (the grey one) and Tupaq Yupanki (the brown one), after Incan emperors who ruled in Peru in the 1400s.  For anyone who's fearing for the names of our future (human) children, don't be too scared - the worst that can happen is that we end up with a Jim-Bob μ„Έμ’…λŒ€μ™• Hayes.

To keep them from getting too big-headed, we call them Tupi and Pacha for short.    

As we've adjusted to keeping pets together, we've learned that there are lots of useful things that you can do with guinea pigs that the pet store may not immediately recommend to you.  

For those of you planning to become guinea pig owners anytime in the future, here is a helpful list of things that your new pet can be used for:

1.) A tasty snack.

2.) A study buddy.

 3.) A purse pet (additional plus: you can take him shopping! A guinea pig can't say, "Well, actually, you DO look fat in that dress.").

4.) A healthy, albeit hairy, beverage.

5.) Musical inspiration/ someone to bite you every time you play a wrong note:

The list goes on, but we're about to play some guinea pig tennis (they're surprisingly aerodynamic little creatures), so we'll have to cut it short there.